Time to ride...
View of the Tetons from near my campsite.

I got an early start today. I wanted to get up over the pass before it got too late or too hot. The Togwotee Pass is the second highest pass I have ridden so far at 9,600 feet.
The peaks surrounding the pass and the little lake at the top are very dramatic.

On the way up the pass, the shopkeeper at the Togwotee Mountain Lodge gave me the rest of his ripe bananas. This food helps to get one over the pass.
On the way down, I met a tourist coming up from the other side. This guy, Peter Spoo, was a bike racer from Belgian. He really looked the part. He was riding the trans-america route. Along the way, he had his bike stolen in Pueblo, Colorado when he ran into the Post Office. Pueblo is not that big of a town, so the word spread quickly that his bike had been stollen - over police radio and he was even featured in the local news rag. He received many offers of cash or other help to get him another bike. He almost bought a new bike, but before he could a local pawn shop owner informed Peter that his bike was just sold. His custom, 15-year old lugged mountain bike was sold to the pawn shop for the paltry sum of $60 and the crook was apprehended before he could get his afternoon high.
I later passed a couple on a tandem on my way to Dubois. What a way to travel!
The descent from the pass is wonderfull - its all downhill and there was a steady wind at my back. it looks like the riding should be similar to this (with less downhill and some uphill) all the way Rawlins, WY.
I'm riding through nice country. Dubois is surrounded by red-colored badlands. The surrounding area is sage-covered hillsides. To the southwest is the Wind River Range (and the continental divide) and to the northeast is the Absaroka Range. Good thing its flat down here in the valley.
The Old Mine in Downtown Dubois

Day 29 - Colter Bay to Dubois - 69 Miles