Blue Heron on Richardson Bay
Today's ride was pleasant and uneventful. I have learned that it is possible to go on a short weekender in the Bay Area. Just ride to Samuel P. Taylor State Park, pitch a tent, pay the nominal hiker/biker fee ($3), take a hot shower ($1.50 for 10 minutes), make some 'smores, and drink a beer. Then wake up the next morning and ride home. Very civilized, yet roughing it at the same time.
Today there were very high tides. Part of my route took me over a bike path that runs through an arm of Richardson Bay. The tide was so high that it flooded on the bike path. Many of the recreational cyclists that were using the bike path didn't want to get their expensive ($2,000+) bikes wet. I can understand that, but it wasn't really a concern for me because my bike had pretty much been ridden in rain each day in Vietnam. Just lube the chain after the ride and I am ready for the next ride.
North End Golden Gate.
I crossed over the Golden Gate Bridge. Coming around a tower, I wasn't paying attention because I was looking at my bike and I almost ran someone over. Fortunately she was friendly and she just treated the incident like I was crazy. She had a point.
Because it was lunch time, I decided to stop in Fort Mason and get take out from the Greens Restaurant. I wish I could end each day's riding with this type of food. From here, I rolled along the Embarcadero to the BART station and caught a train to Oakland.