Tuesday, November 20, 2007

California Coast in the Late Fall

I'm not quite done yet riding this year, or so I think. This summer, when it was very hot in the intermountain west, I met many bike tourists who would were escaping to the coast to continue riding. I want to see what they experienced. Not only that, I want to contrast my riding experience in Vietnam with a riding experience along the California Coast from Salt Point in Sonoma County all the way to Santa Barbara.

Here what my tentative schedule as of November 2007. Unfortunately, my knee conspired to prevent me from riding further.

November 23 (Friday): Santa Rosa to Salt Point
November 24 (Saturday): Salt Point to Samuel P. Taylor (outside Fairfax, Marin)
November 25 (Sunday): Samuel P. Taylor to Oakland
November 26 (Monday): Oakland to Pigeon Point
November 27 (Tuesday): Pigeon Point to Monterrey
November 28 (Wednesday): Monterrey to Limekiln State Park
November 29 (Thursday): Limekiln to Morro Bay
November 30 (Friday): Morro Bay to Gaviotta State Beach
December 1 (Saturday): Gaviotta State Beach to Santa Barbara
December 2 (Sunday): Train ride home