Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Good Morning Hanoi (October 9)

Flying over the Ocean (October 7/8)
Checkin. I have two bags over the limit and one box that is definitely outside the size limits. The ticket agent says that it will cost me $110 per bag over the limit. Well, I say, go ahead and charge me. I plan on going to Hanoi one way or another. The ticket agent just throws up her hands and doesn't bother with it. Too much paper work.
Twenty hours of travel. 18 hours total on the airplane. It sure takes a long time to get across the Pacific Ocean! I flew into Incheon Airport in Soeul and then changed planes to fly into Hanoi. Starting at 1 p.m., we kept the sun behind us the whole way. Crossing the international dateline, I arrived in Soeul at 5 p.m.
It is a good thing that they now have movies on demand in the airplane. I ended up watching three movies and I still had 7 hours of free time. Good thing that they had so many romantic comedies. I sat next to a couple from Fairfield - she was Korean, he was hispanic. They were going to visit the "Hawaiian" Islands of Korea - Jeju.
Arriving in Hanoi, I had no problem getting through customs. The customs agents could really care less that I had a bike or a lot of baggage. I felt fortunate that all of my bags arrived. I wasn't sure that all of them would. The ticket agent in San Francisco put tags on my bags, but I wasn't sure that they would stay on my bags. Fortunately they did. On the flight over, I kept falling asleep and imagining that the bike would be damaged. When the bike came through the door at the airport luggage area, there appeared to be no problem.
Here's the plane that got me to Seoul.
So much flying leads to puffy feet.