Friday, August 3, 2007

Day 25 - Rest Day in Cody (July 31)

Ride the bus...

I finally took a rest. I wouldn’t be on my feet all day today either cycling (actually on my butt) or going for a hike. I went to the Buffalo Bill Historical Center. Oops, I was on my feet all day long, but I finally felt I was recovering from the effort of Day 23 (Beartooth) and Day 24 (the “Bench”).

Not much to say about this day. I saw some nice exhibits and artwork. It costs $2 to ride the bus all day long in Cody. So I boarded the bus to see the Minatures Museum which told the story of how the West was "won" in minatures. Actually, it was a glorified train set that also happened to tell the story of how gold, wagon trains, and Army incursions lead to the end of the Plains Indians way of life.

After the Museum, I rode the bus to the Bike Shop and Grocery Store. I really didn't want to ride. Then on to the Museum, oops, I mean the Historical Center. But tragedy struck while I was watching the 6 p.m. gunfight at the Irma Hotel. My camera died. So I’m just going to have to make due with disposable cameras. This will mean less pictures and…more words (or less, we will just have to wait and see).

The old Gunfight at the Irma Hotel. Curly and the Barmaid are having an argument.

What follows is a smattering of artwork from the Buffalo Bill Historical Center. I don't know all the names of the works, so you will have to guess. Some are from the modern art collection, some from the Whitney collection, some from the Buffalo Bill story museum.

Horse made out of found wood.

This canyon isn't located nearby, but at least its located in the West.

Ah yes, social commentary on the use or overuse of the parks...

Rush Hour

Pointilism and Realism all wrapped up into one. See the truck behind the corral?

How many cowboys does it take to fix a carburator?

Remington meets Pop Art

A real poster from the Wild West Show

Somewhere or something. Oh yeah, this is what I rode through the next day. Good place for a dam.

Imagine that this is what it looked like on Day 27 and Day 28.

Custer made some bad decisions in his day. This was one of his worst.

Day 25 - Cody - Rest - Whoa Cowboy!

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